Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Wine Rack

Renting an apartment has tremendous advantages: you never have to worry about mowing a lawn, fixing a leaky roof or paying real estate taxes. The disadvantage, for a home-improvement addict like myself, is that you can only do so much home improvement in a one bedroom apartment. Our home here at number 54 is definitely our castle. But, a small castle, whose walls we are not even allowed to paint let alone think about ripping down. I take untold pleasure in getting out my drill and putting some holes in our single-toned walls. My usual inspiration for a project is some off-the-cuff remark Jessica makes about some little piece of our small kingdom; at the smallest hint of a project my head starts spinning with dreams of walking through Home Depot and buying all kinds of good stuff that I never realized I needed so badly.

Tonight's project was the hanging of a VintageView 18 bottle wine rack I bought at Three bomber, toggle bolts sunk into the wall and three less impressive, dry-wall screws later, the rack was up.

To be honest I am not sure why we needed an 18 bottle wine rack. We don't generally keep that much wine around. But the idea of storing bottles in the unused airspace in the closet off of my office/piano room/kitchen overflow room was too good to pass up. Aparment space management is all about maximum utilization, and turning empty ceiling into beautiful storage was an opportunity I just could not pass up.

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